Everything you ever wanted to know about Gowdy in one handy place
Gowdy holds all world records in speedrunning for Resident Evil 6, however, due to his fame he has had to play under many different pseudonyms. Names such as Soulless_Persona, Naixi, psychedelist, Renyth and many, many more throughout the speedrunning communities.
Gordy also holds the world records for Co-op Resident Evil 6 speedruns, both Splitscreen and Online, he achived this by playing with himself.
Gowdys full name is Stuart Scott Gowdy, the middle name 'Scott' coming from his favourite original Resident Evil 6 character Leon Scott Kennedy
During his early years at Resident Evil Challenger, Gowdy decided to launch an attack on a rival Resident Evil website in response to an ongoing war between the 2 websites, he went undercover on the rival website and posted 'CHALLENGER FUCKING RULES!!! ALL OF YOU GUYS DROOL EYYYYYYYYOOOOO!!!!! WE WHE RIGHT YOU WHE WRONG SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING DONG!!!' Gowdy returned to REC, face beeming with pride and feeling of accomplishment, shouting from the rooftops about what he'd done, unfortunately in his haste it turned out that Gowdy had targeted the wrong forum and had attacked an innocent bystander, forcing the REC admin to apologise on his behalf.
Gouty is the No.1 customer at his local Chinese takeaway, as a result he has had many dishes named after him, including 'The Gowdy Special', '6 STARS around the world' and many more.
Gowdys attempt to have his local Chinese restaurant named after himself using his fame and power was met with strong resistance and he has since begun plans to open a Chinese restaurant of his own, 'The G Spot'
Gowdy actually secretly hates all other Resident Evil games as they are 'Too Scary' for him, causing him to enter a state of uncontrollable panic and girlish screaming whenever he plays one
Due to the aformentioned girlish screaming, Gowdy is unfortunately Tone Deaf, relying on any unfortunate souls that are in the vicinity to pester with his musical problems
In the early days of Resident Evil Challenger streaming, members had to earn seats to view the stream, these seats were highly coveted. During one of these streams Gowdy stole one of these seats from an innocent member after lying about the results of a contest, becoming as Gowdy would call it, a 'Proper Mad Gluebag'
Wowdy owns 26 different hammers, each with a unique name and custom style
Gowdys main hammer, 'Casúr', can only be weilded by those with pure love for Resident Evil 6 in their hearts, one of it's many powers include the ability to 'destroy' copies of Resident Evil 6 only for it to reform and multiply in the owners home
Gowdy claims that he has the ability to talk to dogs, but only when he's alone with the dog so no one can verify the integrity of this claim, many have touted other reasons for why he dissapears for 30 minutes to be alone with his dog but other than a claim of 'sticky fingers' no one can say for sure what is going on
Gowdy is in talks with CAPCOM to add himself as an official character in Resident Evil Resistance due to his almost 500 hour playtime, He will be appearing as both an RE6 monster spawning Mastermind AND a Hammer weilding Survivor
Due to his close personal bond with the game, Gowdy has entered into a toxoplasmosive relationship with Resident Evil 6, this has given Gowdy a unique power wherin he can 'infect' people with a love for RE6 by publicly 'Shitting' on it, secretly infecting all unaware victims
Gowdy begins and ends each day with a complete 100% playthrough of all 4 campaigns of Resident Evil 6, doubling that on holidays
Gowdy was once chased out of the small village of Demomorgshire after catching the ire of the local teen populace over his comments on a popular TV show and the death of one of the actors, the teen girls tied Gowdy up, crucified him for being 'insensitive' and threw him out of the village, banning him from ever returning
Gowdy goes by many names and identites in his work and travel but his biggest secret is that he is in fact Umbrella Special Forces top dog HUNK
However due to a mistranslation many believe HUNKs nickname to be 'Mr Death', it is infact 'Mr Deaf', Earned from the previously mentioned girlish scream induced tone deafness
Despite all his amazing skills as Super soldier Mr Deaf HUNK, Gowdy secretly wishes he was AGENT and could go on missions with Ada in China
In his quest for more time to able to play Resident Evil 6, Gordo has developed a real life version of the Majima Everywhere system from Yakuza, creativly titled the 'Gowdy Everywhere system' it allows Gowdy to be anywhere at anyt-OH MY GOD WATCH OUT HE'S RIGHT BEHIND Y